Pain gives a certain depth to life.
Coffee, Tea, and Holy Water: One Woman's Journey to Experience Christianity Around the GlobeAll people who come to the dark come for power.
Coffee, Tea, and Holy Water: One Woman's Journey to Experience Christianity Around the GlobeDoctors; all they do is make you worse and take all your money. That's a general statement.
On Christian Hot TopicsFaith is born and sustained by the Word of God, and out of faith grows the flower of joy.
Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian HedonistProgress without the reasoned freedom to think and act is regression to slavery.
American Babylon: Notes of a Christian ExileCritical thinking is a lost 'art' that has yet to be found, if it is even being looked for".
Apologia: A Collection of Christian EssaysReferring to the church as a building is like referring to people as two-by-fours.
Jesus with Dirty Feet: A Down-To-Earth Look at Christianity for the Curious and SkepticalIn its highest form, not judging is the ultimate act of forgiveness.
The Non Judgmental Christian: Five Lessons That Will Revolutionize Your Relationships