The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.
I am not asking anyone to accept Christianity if his best reasoning tells him that the weight of the evidence is against it.
Superficial similarities exist between Christianity and some ancient pagan religions. But careful study reveals that there are far more dissimilarities.
I am a Christian. I haven't really talked about that before. It is something very private. But I do pray and my beliefs are very important to me.
On this land, Muslims, Christians and Jews can coexist together, as they have - as they had for the - for hundreds of years in the framework of a democratic state.
When I read the Upanishads, which are part of Vedanta, I found a profundity of worldview that made my Christianity seem like third grade.
In a nutshell, the difference between Christianity and all other belief systems is who you're putting your trust in: in Christ, or in yourself?
Christians are free to serve and obey God since they are loved, justified, redeemed, reconciled, forgiven, saved, and sustained to the end!
Well, I'm still experimenting, trying to figure out my style. I'm trying lots of things from many designers including Christian Siriano.
I consider myself a non-denominational Christian. I grew up in a Bible church and still hold those beliefs very close to me.
Tony Hale is a devout Christian and is a complete retard when it comes to swearing. The script called for him to swear for about 30 seconds and he just couldn't do it.
Being Christian towards poor people means trying to improve their lives and give them back some self-respect.
Just being a Christian doesn't mean you're better than anyone. Ever notice how Jesus was a servant instead of a master?
Not only are Christians writing about Jesus, but also Communists, Jews, atheists and agnostics are taking up their pens to paint a portrait of Jesus.
Christians and Jews alike are the new exiles of the contemporary world, struggling with how to sing the Lord's song in a strange land.
You can't pretend that everybody likes Versace. It would be boring. It's better to create a reaction than to create no reaction. That's dangerous.
I think people need to see Prince live to really understand how remarkable he is.
I studied at a university in Florence and finished my degree. My mother was very strict about this recipe: You need to get your degree.
I think my own look makes people think I'm tough, but when they get to know me I'm very different.
160 million-plus people call themselves Christians. They go to church once a month at least. That's a lot of people.
If a Jewish group sat down with a Christian conservative group, and there was a so-called Messianic Jew at the table, that would be the end of the meeting.