One of my good friends is Christian, goes to church every Sunday, very religious. I'm fine with that and I will never judge her.
I might not be a good socialist, any more than I'm a good Christian, but I am one.
There was no relationship between a wedding dress and fashion. There was no good taste, either. I realized that I could make an impression in terms of changing and readdressing the whole industry of bridal.
It does not require great learning to be a Christian and be convinced of the truth of the Bible. It requires only an honest heart and a willingness to obey God.
I regard Christian and Jewish fundamentalism, and all other forms of fundamentalism, as the enemies of God - and I hope you'll quote me on that.
I happen to be a Christian, but I know that there is one God. People worshipping goodness and love and kindness and truth are worshipping the same God.
I believe in God. It's a big part of my life. You can bring it up and talk about it without being 'Christian Rocker.'
It's very important for Christians to be honest with God, which often, you know, God is much more interested in who you are than who you want to be.
I realised that God has placed Christians everywhere, to support each other, to support the needy in those areas, and that is the thing that I find is a great plus.
For Christians, who believe they are created in the image of God, it is the Godhead, diversity in unity and the three-in-oneness of God, which we and all creation reflect.
The will leadeth us to God, or to the devil; it availeth not whether thou hast the name of a Christian; salvation doth not consist therein.
I would say 90 percent of Christians do not have a worldview, in other words a view of the world, based on the Scripture and a relationship with God.
I'm amazed sometimes by the Christians who don't really believe that God wants to help them and bless them.
Christianity stands or falls as a living program, a way of life, made concrete in the life of man by the life of God through the life of the concretely living Christ.
I talk about a Christianity that is enlightened enough to separate spirituality from the rest of life. Not just church and state, but knowledge and church.
Finally, everything that has been part of my life, whether I wanted it to or not, has expressed itself in my dresses.
You have to look at what a person does with his life. Anyone can say that he's a Christian, but you look at how they live.
He spends his life explaining from his pulpit that the glory of Christianity consists in the fact that though it is not true it has been found necessary to invent it.
The decline and fall of the modern religious right's notion of a Christian America creates a calmer political environment and, for many believers, may help open the way for a more theologically serious religious life.
Compared with the thousands of years in which human life has been on this planet, Christianity is a recent development.
I make no apologies for the fact that I have a religious life of my own. I'm speaking as a Christian because I'm speaking as myself.