Mrs. Gloop: He's gone! He'll be made into marshmallows in five seconds. Willy Wonka: Impossible, my dear lady! That's absurd! Unthinkable! Mrs. Gloop: Why? Willy Wonka: Because that pipe doesn't go to the marshmallow room, it goes to the fudge room! ...
Willy Wonka: [making a mysterious formula] Invention, my dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple. Mrs. Teevee: [as Mr. Wonka drinks the formula] That's 105%! Sam Beauregarde: Any good? Willy Wonka...
Mr. Turkentine: Of course you don't know. You don't know because only *I* know. If you knew and I didn't know, then you'd be teaching me instead of me teaching you - and for a student to be teaching his teacher is presumptuous and rude. Do I make mys...
Mr. Salt: Quite a nice little canoe you got there, Wonka. Willy Wonka: All I ask is a tall ship and a star to sail her by. All aboard, everybody. Mr. Salt: Ladies first, and that means Veruca. Grandpa Joe: [to Charlie] If she's a lady, I'm a Vermicio...
Charlie Bucket: Hey Grandpa, what was that we just went through? Willy Wonka: Hsaw Aknow. Mrs. Teevee: Is that Japanese? Willy Wonka: No, that's Wonka wash, spelled backwards. That's it, ladies and gentlemen, the journey's over! Grandpa Joe: Finest b...
Mr. Salt: Wonka, how much do you want for the golden goose? Willy Wonka: They're not for sale. Mr. Salt: Name your price. Willy Wonka: She can't have one. Veruca Salt: Who says I can't? Mr. Salt: The man with the funny hat.
Willy Wonka: The Egg-dicator can tell the difference between a good egg and a bad egg. If it's a good egg, it's shined up and shipped out all over the world. But if it's a bad egg, down the chute. Grandpa Joe: [whispering to Charlie] It's an educated...
Willy Wonka: [Showing off his geese that lay golden eggs] They're laying overtime right now, for Easter. Mike Teevee: But Easter's over! Willy Wonka: [clapping a hand over Mike's mouth] Ssshhh! [quietly] Willy Wonka: They don't know that. I'm trying ...
Veruca Salt: [Introducing herself to Willy Wonka] I'm Veruca Salt. Willy Wonka: [shaking Veruca's hand] My dear Veruca, what a pleasure! And how pretty you look in that lovely mink coat. Veruca Salt: [sounding proud] I've got three others at home!
Willy Wonka: [telling the group about Everlasting Gobstoppers] You can suck them and suck them and suck them and they'll never get any smaller. Never! [pauses, then speaks softly, almost to himself] Willy Wonka: At least I don't think they do. A few ...
Mr. Turkentine: You, Winkelmann, come here. What's happening? Winkelmann: Mr. Wonka's opening his factory, he's gonna to let people in. Mr. Turkentine: You sure? Winkelmann: It's on the radio. He's giving truckloads of chocolate away. Mr. Turkentine:...
My weakness is chocolate - especially butterscotch and nut varieties.
My policy on cake is pro having it and pro eating it.
We'll take the cake with the red cherry on top.
Dark chocolate-covered blueberries are my favorite sweet.
I love dark chocolate. I love it.
My mother still sends a cake to the office for my birthday.
A lot of movies are about life, mine are like a slice of cake.
She tells enough white lies to ice a wedding cake.
A man's strength was supposed to be against the outside world: to fight it back from himself and those he took under his protection: his wife, his children, and for a man strong enough, more people still, people like his employees. To turn it inward,...
Mogi: Greg Parker left the hideout a while ago and bought a large amount of food. He's heading back to the hideout now. And I've been able to ascertain that he purchased multiple boxes of the same brand chocolate. Aizowa: That clinches it. Ide: It fe...