What a lovely display of personhood. He's like a good book cover that grabs your gaze. Read me. I'm fun but smart. You won't be able to put me down.
At her birthday, my seven-year-old daughter will say that she wants these big cakes and certain expensive toys as presents, and I can't say no to her. It would just break my heart. But when I was little, for birthdays we just played outside and we we...
When I went to visit this rice cake plant, I hadn't realized how the rice cakes were made. As soon as I saw the molds of rice and how the heat pops it like popcorn, the light bulb went off. This is popped. This isn't baked or fried.
The way I pick who gets caked is generally by who shows me the most energy and is screaming for it. I still can't help but ask myself... should I stop caking people? Will that stop the haters from hating? Stop giving the trolls more content to target...
I don't really cook much. I'm more of a baker. My favorite things to bake that everybody loves, and I can only keep in the house for about ten minutes, are 7-Up cake and Pineapple Upside-Down cake.
Coincidentally, a good age for a Japanese girl is younger than twenty five, because that's when she turns into a 'Christmas Cake'. Christmas cakes, as everyone knows, are desirable before the twenty fifth but afterward quickly become stale and are pu...
Alarmed and bordering on terrified, Frankie reached for the closest thing she could find that might work as a weapon – which in Louise’s house was a curling iron – and tiptoed downstairs to confront the intruder - Chapter One
He hated to think of his own life stretching ahead of him that way, a long succession of days and nights that were fine - not good, not bad, not great, not lousy, not exciting, not anything.
Chocolate is a kitchen witch’s secret weapon. It makes friends easily, soothes troubled spirits, and is conducive to romance. When nothing else works, go with chocolate. —Sadie Trevalyn’s Book of Kitchen Witchery
The darker the chocolate is, the more antioxidants it contains. So when eaten in moderation - just a few bites from a well-made dark chocolate bar, for instance - there's no need to feel bad about indulging once in a while.
Joining 'ER,' I felt like that kid who got the golden ticket in 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.' I've been offered chocolate bars all these years, but there had been no golden ticket. Just the stomachache that was called 'Jake in Progress.'
Mrs. Gloop: [Augustus is now sucked into the suction pipe which takes him to the vertical pipe] He can't swim. Willy Wonka: There's no better time to learn.
Willy Wonka: [singing] If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it. Anything you want to, do it; want to change the world... there's nothing to it.
Sam Beauregarde: [yelling] I'm getting even with you for this, Wonka, if it's the last thing I ever do! [mutters in pity] Sam Beauregarde: I've got a blueberry for a daughter...
Mr. Beauregarde: Violet, what are you doing now? You're blowing up! Violet Beauregarde: I feel funny! Grandpa Joe: I'm not surprised.
Tinker: Up the airy mountain, down the rushy glen, we daren't go a hunting, for fear of little men. You see, nobody ever goes in... and nobody ever comes out.
Augustus Gloop: [urgently] Let me in, I'm starving! Willy Wonka: Now, don't get excited. Don't lose your head, Augustus. We don't want anybody to lose that.
Mike Teevee: Boy, what a great show. Mrs. Teevee: I serve all his TV dinners right here. He's never even been to the table.
Mrs. Gloop: Help, Mr. Wonka, help! I'm getting squashed. Save me! Willy Wonka: Is it my soul that calls upon my name?
Willy Wonka: I take very good care of my guests. Sam Beauregarde: Yeah, you took real good care of that August kid.
Veruca Salt: Daddy, I want a boat like this. A beautiful paddle boat is what I want. Grandpa Joe: [to Charlie] What she wants is a good kick in the pants!