Bryan Callen: Lock up the china because the boys are at it again!
China's stock market is inextricably tied to politics.
If you are only big in China, you are only a local Chinese company.
The greater concerns in China and Taiwan are on the political side, not on the economic side.
China is committed to work with other countries for a solution to the global challenge of energy and resources.
When 'designed in Europe' is combined with 'made in China' and when European technologies are applied to the Chinese market, there will be amazing results.
Bubbles are best identified by credit excesses, not valuation excesses. And there's no bigger credit excess than in China.
I think they will never really enjoy true democracy in China.
China not only does not support hacking but also opposes it.
Seeing the Olympics come to China made me want to get more involved.
China has the best opportunities. A domestic market with 1.3bn people will help create more Fortune 500 retailers.
The online video business started in both China and the US around 2005/6, when broadband penetration grew big enough.
If you look at all the sports in China, the government is extremely involved and they are extremely proud of their athlete.
The awakening of the people of China to the possibilities under free government is the most significant, if not the most momentous, event of our generation.
Environmental disaster is the gravest threat to China's continued development. That's according to me, but it is not some wacko view.
There is a great deal of concern in the Chinese military that Taiwan's reunification with China is drifting further and further away.
China owns more of our bonds than do Americans. That's not a good position to be in.
I am almost famous in China, because I have that Broadway cachet.
China and the U.S. are the two largest importers of oil. They are the two largest emitters of carbon.
It's never easy at the Olympic level. Russia, Romania and China always are contenders.
Tom Friedman says China is so awesome they make kosher pigs.