It is the power of questions that embolden us and keep us as expectant children, all the while developing the power of human consciousness.
There is no such mischievous nonsense in all the world as equality. That is what father says. What men ought to want is liberty.
You don't find a masked man wielding a gun interesting? Tell me...what do you find interesting then-Matt Carter
The best way to encourage your children is to let them know you are praying for them.
My children taught me the true meaning of unconditional love.
And fairy tales are make-believe. They are the stories we tell to small children to make them believe the world is a far better place than it really is.
Trains and boxcars and the smell of coal and fire are not ugly to children. Ugliness is a concept that we happen on later and become self-conscious about.
Mothers and their children are in a category all their own. There's no bond so strong in the entire world. No love so instantaneous and forgiving.
I want to make a difference. But get a job? I worry that will make the ordinary, like everybody else.
But shouldn't they still act like children? They aren't normal. They act like--history. Napoleon and Wellington. Caesar and Brutus.
Then turn your eyes back on me, and tell me that Cathy and I are still children to be treated with condescension, and are incapable of understanding adult subjects.
Look at you, standing there in your iron- gray dress, feeling pious and self- righteous while you starve small children!
We are God's middle children, according to Tyler Durden, with no special place in history and no special attention.
The Waverley sisters hadn't been close as children, but they were as thick as thieves now, the way adult siblings often are, the moment they realize that family is actually a choice.
When we mother well, we teach our children to embrace the moral obligations that build solid relationships, healthy marriages, and secure families.
Mother didn't understand that children aren't frightened by stories; that their lives are full of far more frightening things than those contained in fairy tales.
Children show scars like medals. Lovers use them as a secrets to reveal. A scar is what happens when the word is made flesh.
She understood children, and knew that they were adults handicapped by a humiliating disguise and had their adult qualities within them.
Nothing's really changed since then, except that now any children we have might be wizards themselves, and I'll be hopelessly outnumbered.
For a time Emerson politely endeavored to conceal his boredom - like most men, he is profoundly disinterested in all children except his own - ...
...thinking about laughing with 2 yr old Findlay today - Dostoyevsky was right, “The soul is healed by being with children.” ...