Being a child star is great. It's being a former child star that sucks.
People find it a great blessing if their child left behind a child.
The future will be the child of the past and the present, even if a rebellious child.
There is nothing like seeing the man you love with your child.
A child of five could understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.
A child educated only at school is an uneducated child.
Nobody told me I was a child prodigy.
I didn't grow up as child actor.
The affection of a child is like water in a sieve.
The parson christens his own child first.
An elephant's head is no load for a child.
The elephant's head is no load for a child.
A house without a child is like a tomb.
A child is a certain sorrow and uncertain joy.
By crawling, a child learns to stand.
The free mind, unafraid of labor, presses on to attain the good.
Facilis descensus Averno Noctes atque dies patet atri ianua Ditis Sed revocare gradum superasque evadere ad auras Hoc opus labor est
We are so bound together that no man can labor for himself alone. Each blow he strikes in his own behalf helps to mold the universe.
Smart businesses do not look at labor costs alone anymore. They do look at market access, transportation, telecommunications infrastructure and the education and skill level of the workforce, the development of capital and the regulatory market.
Try as hard as we may for perfection, the net result of our labors is an amazing variety of imperfectness. We are surprised at our own versatility in being able to fail in so many different ways.
I want to have a bunch of kids so I can open a factory and have free labor. Beat that, China!