I was a full foot taller than any child my age.
Every island to a child is a treasure island.
Humility is as good for the soul as it is for the memory
La couleur du courage, c'est le brun
I was thought to be retarded as a child, and all the evidence indicates that I was.
I've never lost a grown-up child, but I have known loss.
Ish #28 "Give you child a name with meaning.
An un-named song is like an un-named child, it has no identity.
I have written stories since I was a child.
It wouldn't be fair to drag a child round the world, touring.
As a child, I copied Duerer drawings and Bruegel.
The fate of a child is in the hands of his parents.
There are worse words than cuss words, there are words that hurt.
Everyone is an abused child, if you think about what governments do.
I didn't feel very attractive as a child and actually I wasn't.
I was probably tall as a child, but I just stopped growing.
With my child, I hardly watch TV now.
If you don't feel safe as a child, you can't learn.
What is patriotism but the love of the food one ate as a child?
My mother was a lupus patient. I was a child with the lupus gene.
And who is responsible for this appalling child slavery? Everyone.