Parables, yes. We here are to lead life with woe. Tasting bitter. the Tai Chi instructor
If you take anything I say with any seriousness whatsoever, go study Yang style tai chi. It will make you live longer.
Invece respiro ancora. Con la responsabilità di chi è stato riammesso al gioco. Dopo un fallo contro la vita.
Ho Chi Minh and Vietnam were perfect for Lyndon Johnson: 220 million against 18 million, water buffalo and all. No risk, really.
Igor: I heard the strangest music from the upstairs kitchen and I just... followed it down. Call it... a hunch. Ba-dum chi.
I haven't been baptised. My dad's not in the church and is not a religious person. My mum is more spiritual - she does Thai-chi and goes to Stonehenge and things like that. I'm proud to be pagan. Finland is not really a religious country. I'm still l...
Chi Fu: [singing] I've a girl at home who's unlike any other... Yao: [singing in whisper to Mulan] Yeah, the only girl who'd love him is his mother.
Chi Fu: Be careful, Captain. The General may be your father, but *I* am the Emperor's counsel. And by the way, I got that job on my own.
«Guardami!» gli ordinò «Io sono Isabelle Morens. Il mio cognome è sinonimo di traditore, la mia famiglia è stata uccisa e i nostri beni confiscati, cosa pensi che direbbero a Corte se annunciassi che hai intenzione di sposare la figlia dei trad...
Sono convinto che chi non legge resta uno stupido. Anche se nella vita sa destreggiarsi, il fatto di non ingerire regolarmente parole scritte lo condanna ineluttabilmente all'ignoranza, indipendentemente dai suoi averi e dalle sue attività.
Initially I was very drawn to the Tao Te Ching, the Taoist philosophy. It was helping me deal with the balance of these external and internal issues with my chess life. Tai chi is the martial embodiment of Taoist philosophy. Initially, I had no inten...
I used to hunt as a child but gave up the chase in my 'Ho Ho Ho Chi-Minh, we shall fight and we shall win' chanting and marching days - by which time I had come to share Oscar Wilde's feelings about 'the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable.'
Sto bene da solo ma non sono un solitario. Cerco gli altri per scelta, non per timore della solitudine. E scelgo con chi stare. Perché siamo fatti per stare con pochi.
D’improvviso, il mondo attorno a loro tornò ad avere un colore e un profumo ed entrambi si sentirono di nuovo vivi, poiché, in fin dei conti, poco importava chi fossero singolarmente: contava solo che insieme fossero John e Benjamin.
Learning ballroom dancing is great for your brain. But it only works for three to six months. After that, you've got all the benefit you can get, and so you have to move on to yoga, and then Tai Chi, and then bridge, always keeping on the steep part ...
My mum lives in Boston; she's famous for teaching wushu and t'ai chi. So from when I was young, my mum and aunt were like: 'You're training; you're not playing baseball or football.' Training every day was normal. Later, when I was almost a teenager,...
I am waiting for the right story to tell. Just like 'Man of Tai Chi' just seemed to be the right story to tell. So I'm looking for that. Because I really love directing. I love developing the story. I love actors. I love the cinema of it, the way tha...
Del: I guess this is probably a good time as any to tell you this. Our tickets are only good to St. Louis. St. Louis to Chi-town is booked tighter than Tom Thumb's ass.
Chris Taylor: [after taking down a group of NVA soldiers] I got two of them fuckers, man! Rhah: I got one! Chris Taylor: [cups hand to his mouth] Ho Chi Minh sucks dead dick! [whoops]
Melody is the essence of music. I compare a good melodist to a fine racer, and counterpointists to hack post-horses; therefore be advised, let well alone and remember the old Italian proverb: Chi sa più, meno sa—Who knows most, knows least.
Death is my art form--when I fight, I'm a ballerina. Graceful. Chi lacks my grace, but makes up for it in energy and enthusiasm. His fighting style is like breakdancing--strong and frenetic with some really sweet moves. Jo's is . . .the Macarena. Ugl...