Colette: [to Linguini] How do you tell how good bread is without tasting it? Not the smell, not the look, but the *sound* of the crust. Listen. [she presses the bread between her hands] Colette: Oh, symphony of crackle. Only great bread sound this wa...
Linguini: When I added that extra ingredient instead of following the recipe like you said, that wasn't me... either. Colette: What do you mean? Linguini: I mean, *I* wouldn't have done that. I would've followed the recipe, I would've followed your a...
Chef: [singing] Everything worked out what a happy end. Americans and Canadians are friends again. So let's all join hands and knock oppression down. Cartman, Kyle, Stan: Don't you know our little lives are now complete? Mrs. Cartman, Sheila Brofl...
Vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter-faction, the vegans, are a persistent irritant to any chef worth a damn. To me, life without veal stock, pork fat, sausage, organ meat, demi-glace, or even stinky cheese is a life not worth living. Veget...
Xav sprinkled olive oil on his lettuce. 'Lola was very particular that it all had to fit properly.' 'Lola?' squeaked Diamond. I wanted to warn her not to rise to the bait Xav was dangling in front of her but it was too late. Xav added some Parmesan a...
Skinner: [growling] What are you playing at? Linguini: [uncertain] Um, uh... am I still fired? Colette: You can't fire him. Skinner: What? Colette: LeClaire likes it, yeah? She made a point of telling you so. if she write a review to that effect and ...
Anton Ego: What is it, Ambrister? Ambrister Minion: Gusteau's, sir. Anton Ego: Finally closing, is it? Ambrister Minion: No, sir. Anton Ego: More financial troubles? Ambrister Minion: No... Anton Ego: Announced a new line of microwave egg rolls? What...
I cook better than you," Nick corrected absently. "I think monkeys can probably be taught to cook better than you." "I'd like to have a monkey that cooked for me," said Jamie. " I would pay him in bananas. His name would be Alphonse." "I agree, that ...
VISIONS OF GRANDEUR I'm walking through a sheet of glass instead of the door, Flying over a giant candlestick lighting up Central Park, Repeating two courses at Hard Knock's College, And swimming through the Red Sea with silky jelly fish. I'm hopping...
Mustafa: [taking Ego's order] Do you know what you'd like this evening, sir? Anton Ego: Yes, I think I do. After reading a lot of overheated puffery about your new cook, you know what I'm craving? A little perspective. That's it. I'd like some fresh,...
Gusteau: Remy, what are you doing in here? Remy: [harassed] Emile shows up... I said not to, I told him! He goes and blabs - it's a disaster! Anyway, they're hungry, the food safe is locked, and I need the key. Gusteau: They want you to steal food? R...
... supraoamenilor nu trebuie să li se explice nimic, ei n-au nevoie de permisiunea noastră, smulg vieții ceea ce au chef să ia. Se revoltă, ucid, violează fiindcă se numesc Attila sau Don Juan. Cât despre ceilalți, oamenii medii, cei slabi,...
Gloria în țara aceasta începe cu publicity. Cineva se bucură de publicity doar când aduce profit altcuiva. Cine se bucură în America de faima națională? Cei care fac bani sau cei prin intermediul cărora alții fac bani. O regulă fără exc...