A woman with two husbands cheats both.
Eighty percent of married men cheat in America. The rest cheat in Europe.
In business partnerships and marriage partnerships, oh, the cheating that goes on.
Cheat me with the price, but not with the goods I buy.
Golf is like solitaire. When you cheat, you only cheat yourself.
Doyle Lonnegan: Not only are you a cheat, you're a gutless cheat as well.
He who cheats others is a knave, but he who cheats himself is a fool.
In your mind you are cheating somebody, but in reality you are cheating yourself.
Chocolate is not cheating! After a salty meal, you need a little bit of sweet. This is living, not cheating.
The wise man will be cheated only once.
Marian Wyman: Are you cheating Ralph? Dr. Raplh Wyman: No, Marian. You cheat. Remember?
If you don't want to be cheated, ask the price at three shops.
In athletics there's always been a willingness to cheat if it looks like you're not cheating. I think that's just a quirk of human nature.
If you marry a man who cheats on his wife, you'll be married to a man who cheats on his wife.
He who has never been cheated, cannot be a good businessman.
Jem: Atticus says cheating a black man is ten times worse than cheating a white.
But human nature dictates that there will always be cheaters. That's inevitable. Where there's money involved and glory, there are going to be people that cheat, and there will always be ways to cheat.
I have a lot of disrespect for people who cheat. I feel like if you're in a position in a relationship where you want to see other people, and the opportunity to cheat comes up, don't.
Nothing resembles an honest man more than a cheat.
When a man cheats, it is said it is because he is a dog. When a woman cheats, it is said it is because her man is a dog.
What do I have to cheat for? I've always been playing against people older than me anyways. So what do I have to cheat for?