We are on a difficult course, on a new Odyssey for Greece, but we know the road to Ithaca and have charted the waters.
I had to learn chord shapes. I bought books with chord charts. I used to listen to all kinds of pop music.
Every company has two organizational structures: The formal one is written on the charts; the other is the everyday relationship of the men and women in the organization.
I have no aspirations of world domination through the pop charts. None at all.
Every generation throws a hero up the pop charts.
That is the exploration that awaits you! Not mapping stars and studying nebula, but charting the unknown possibilities of existence.
I'm thankful for my songs being at the top of the charts but I am human - I think people still have to remember that.
I eat healthy and don't go by a diet chart. The breakfast is usually heavy, complemented with short frequent meals. My dinner is high on proteins and low on carbohydrates.
My version of a stress dream is, really, showing up on a concert stage with a drum set and not knowing the chart.
The Tea Party knows that continuing to delay charting a course to spending reform hurts everybody.
To standing in the bow wind with no charted course." Clay Mitchell, "Half-Past Eternity" book II "Eterna".
It's interesting, because as a musician, I don't feel like I need to be on the top of the pop charts.
I try to keep my confidence on the charts, but I'm a confident guy as well. You've got to be that way. If you don't think that you're the best, then you won't perform that way.
I always thought my records were number one; it's just the charts didn't think so.
I make charts of songs that are good candidates, good targets, so to speak. Then I try to come up with ideas for parodies. And 99% of those ideas are horrible.
There are some good songs, but not the kind of song-writing that I remember, that I like. Springsteen still does it. Paul Simon, and there are also good writers, but that doesn't dominate the charts.
I don't chart out the life histories of the people I play. If I did, I'd be in trouble. I work with my heart and my head, and naturally emotions follow.
Ideals are like the stars: we never reach them, but like the mariners of the sea, we chart our course by them.
It can be disheartening to see acts that don't necessarily have any input on their own material to do so well in the charts.
It was so simple in the old days. You put out an album, people promoted it, it got in the charts, and you had a hit.
Morrissey wrote to me and said, I have a song for you and if we release it as a single, you'll be on the charts for the first time since 1972, I said, what time, where?