All my movies are achingly personal.
None of my movies are autobiographical.
[Chaplin tells Sennett he intends to leave Sennett's employ and open his own studio] Mack Sennett: Charlie, I've been so rotten to you. I don't know if you can forgive me. I forced you to leave Butte, Montana. I made you accept a hundred and fifty pe...
The scene we shot with Charlie Rose was actually the last piece that was ever shot for 'Breaking Bad.' My daughter and I flew to New York; we got to shoot in the 'Charlie Rose' studio. Adam Godley and Jessica Hecht are such expert performers that we ...
Charlie Fineman: Can he go out? Is he allowed out? Alan Johnson: Don't do that, dont ask my wife permisson for me to go out. Charlie Fineman: Alright, you're right. Can you go out? [Alan looks at Janeane]
Uncle Charlie: I got in the habit of carrying a lot of cash with me when I was traveling. Mr. Green: Dangerous habit, Mr. Oakley. Uncle Charlie: Never lost a penny in my life, Mr. Green. I guess heaven takes care of fools and scoundrels.
Charlie Bucket: [Takes loaf of bread from his knapsack and holds it up for everyone to see] How 'bout this? Mrs. Bucket: Charlie, where'd you get that? Grandpa Joe: What difference does it make where he got it? Point is he got it.
Charlie Kaufman: The script I'm starting, it's about flowers. Nobody's ever done a movie about flowers before. So, so there are no guidelines... Donald Kaufman: What about "Flowers for Algernon"? Charlie Kaufman: Well, that's not about flowers. And i...
Susan Orlean: YOU FAT PIECE OF SHIT. He's dead. Charlie Kaufman: Shut up. Susan Orlean: YOU LOSER. You've ruined my life, YOU FAT FUCK. Charlie Kaufman: FUCK YOU LADY. You're just a lonely, old, desperate, pathetic DRUG ADDICT.
Rose: [after Charlie checks the boat for damage after going down a rather rough set of rapids] Could you see anything, dear? Charlie Allnut: Yeah. The shaft's twisted like a corkscrew and there's a blade gone off the prop. Rose: We'll have to mend it...
Film and art are close together.
Art is all in the details.
I want to know art.
Timing has a lot to with art.
There's an art to comedy.
Sometimes art is ahead of revolution.
I was a precocious child.
Public crucifixion is no fun.
I'm not a show-off; I'm not an exhibitionist.
I'm not as beautiful as a model.
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