Those tingles she’d felt in her abdomen spread lower. Her body recognised her lover’s voice, wanted him.
But there was something in the air, a watchfulness laced with a charge of malice. The eyes observing us were invisible, but were observing us, nonetheless.
Therefore, let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.
Your life is enriched with meaning when allow yourself to become inspired, set goals, and charge after them with passion.
I’ll not let the pair of you charge boldly into wolves’ teeth without me alongside
As the dragon charged it released huge clouds of hissing steam through its nostrils. It was almost as if a gigantic teapot had gone mad.
Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth Being an author is like being in charge of your own personal insane asylum. ~Graycie Harmon
The roof was torn off the gym. God's way of telling the jocks that they'd better remember who's really charge.
Sadly, however, the sight of her generous D cups no longer sparked an ounce of interest from Little Sam, the man in charge of social activities.
A brick and a blanket need a logo, and I’m just the designer to hire to sit around idly as I ideally charge you by the hour.
I think some of my best theatre training has been in the Marine Corps. Not only meeting a bunch of characters, but growing up. You're in really adult situations at a young age, as far as being in charge of people.
Take charge of hidden, sneaky sources of chronic inflammation that can trigger illness and disease by wearing comfortable shoes daily, getting an annual flu vaccine, and asking your doctor why you're not on a statin and baby aspirin if you're over th...
This is what you know about someone you have to hate: he charges you with his crime and castigates himself in you.
What if I'm in charge of my own damn light switch?
When I am dead, I charge you to mingle our ashes and bury us together.
When Mikolay and Julia are not at school, they usually go exploring and adventuring. Mikolay’s and Julia’s mummies are both witches and are in charge of fixing things.
Most people don't care who's in charge as long as someone is.
The Lady may favor you, but at least I am in charge of my own destiny.
In economy, invisible hand is a set of wealthy men. It's the puppeteer who's in charge behind the curtain.
Oh, you have to charge 'em, Jubal. The marks won't pay attention if it's free.
Pregnant women need dick too. And I’m here to sell it to them. I charge by the inch and by the hour.