Perhaps this is what Henry James meant when he talked about the “irresponsibility” of characters. Characters are irresponsible, art is irresponsible when compared to life, because it is first and foremost important that a character be real, and a...
Wherever man goes to dwell his character goes with him.
When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends.
In horror, character development is often pushed aside in favor of the shock value. The best genre movies to me are movies like The Shining. You had a connection to the characters in that film.
I never like to refer back to anything I've done when I'm working on a character, even if that character has the same occupation.
I definitely have character arcs in mind for each character unless I kill them.
No, I feel like my personality probably influenced the character, more than the character influenced me.
You're in everyone's homes every week as this character, and they feel like they know you, and then they start to really define you as this character that you portray.
I questioned everything. I didn't see a character developed in Platoon at all. The character in Blue Velvet was much more fascinating to me.
I don't categorize characters into one syllable. These are fully-rounded characters that I don't judge; I just play them.
You can't judge a character that you're playing, because then you're fighting against doing what the character's doing.
Playing Marcia was a double-edged sword; it always will be whenever you play a character like that. You will be known as that character forever.
I think if you find that you're making a judgment on the character, than your audience will make a judgment on the character.
Character is one of most precious parts of you. You can't get involved in things that will damage your character.
In my mind, every single female character I've written is plus-size.
You have to sort of see the way that the character behaves, and what the character says and does, and claim it in the same way that you claim anything, really.
Our character is basically a composite of our habits. Because they are consistent, often unconcious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our character.
I don't think you could change my father; he is a very strong character. He believes totally in honesty.
I was in two episodes playing Christopher Reeve's character's emissary. They wanted to have my character announce Dr Swan's death, which I thought was exploitative.
Some songs depend heavily on the character, but, for the most part, a great song begs for reinterpretation every time it is sung, even when in character.
006 was such an interesting character and the film really explored his friendship with Bond and how it all went wrong, so it was a very personal journey for both characters.