We must be what we wish our children to be. They will form their characters from ours.
The Mother at HomeCharacter and attitude deficiencies are piercing thorns depending your handhold
Landscapes of a Heart, Whispers of a SoulHang out with successful people and you'll acquire success characters
Psychology of Friendship for LeadershipYour strength and character grow stronger and deeper while you wait for hope to return.
Present PerfectMay the hinges of friendship never rust, or the wings of luve lose a feather.
Reminiscences of Scottish Life and CharacterWills aren't really strong or weak; it is the characters that they express and serve that are.
A Temple of TextsThe crisis of community has its source in the corruption of character.
The Unsettling of America: Culture and AgricultureA pretty face may be enough to catch a man, but it takes character and good nature to hold him.