Wisdom comes in the silence of one's chaos
Art is messy, art is chaos - so you need a system.
Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos.
Chaos lifted on wings and flew.
A man without a filter, is chaos walking
Madness and chaos are self-destructing but over thinking is the suicide.
NYC is chaotic. And I am attracted to chaos.
Keep up with what's causing chaos in your own field.
James Garner is like a peaceful river through our chaos.
The order you seek is the chaos you feel.
My life at the moment is a bit like my wardrobe. Organized chaos.
After the chaos and carnage of September 11th, it is not enough to serve our enemies with legal papers.
One must be cold if one wishes to savor chaos.
I like order. It allows me to have chaos in my head.
Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.
When tempest tossed, embrace chaos.
Sol Robeson: There will be no order, only chaos.
Here's to those who love the quiet, but thrive in chaos.
Don't let their chaos distract you from your goals.
Good-bye and hello, as always.
Heaven is not as narrowly literal-minded as hell.