The fact that Disney bought Maker Studios doesn't really change anything for me.
For an introvert his environment is himself and can never be subject to startling or unforeseen change.
When you blame others, you give up your power to change.
Incarceration didn't change me. In many ways, incarceration galvanized me. The totality of the experience helped me.
What's the point of re-releasing an album? The original sounded good, why change something about it?
The big question is: When will the term structure of interest rates change? That's the question to be worried about.
If something is true, no amount of wishful thinking will change it.
I'm not going to change my teeth or get a nose job. That manufactured perfection does nothing for me.
The key is to embrace disruption and change early. Don't react to it decades later. You can't fight innovation.
I may be a living legend, but that sure don't help when I've got to change a flat tire.
I have to believe that people can change, otherwise I deny the Gospel, and I will not do that.
Once you realize that everything happens for a reason, attitudes towards matters such as illnesses, or lawsuits, for example, change.
Amy Carter, Chelsea Clinton and the Obama girls all had to change schools.
The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays.
The key to Turkey's success has been its ability to reinvent itself as times change.
I think anyone taken out of their comfort zone and put somewhere else will change.
I wouldn't change anything because the mistakes and the hurt are as important as all the great fights. They made me who I am today.
Effectively, change is almost impossible without industry-wide collaboration, cooperation and consensus.
Change and renewal are themes in life, aren't they? We keep growing throughout life.
The way the mind decodes music is an individual mystery. But the physical circumstances can change the way you listen.
Your hair tends to get used to the product you use. Every month or so I change it out.