To make sense of a world in which rapid change and globalisation create genuine insecurity, we need benchmarks by which we can judge our actions and their long-term impact.
My background is in hardware design. I found hardware work to be a welcome change from thousands of hours of programming and that led to the designs you mentioned.
You cannot be driven by the polls. The polls change all the time; they're easily manipulated by whoever wants to ask those poll questions; they go up; they go down.
I've never been a part of a film before that offers such a platform into real issues, that raises social awareness and has the potential to change things.
You have to see the human being in the enemy. If there is potential for change, there is still hope.
You can change a person's life in an instant; put him in a movie, and you start thinking differently, you want to be in another movie. It's like an addiction almost.
I always say that people should not rush to change religions. There is real value in finding the spiritual resources you need in your home religion.
There is no such thing as liberty. You only change one sort of domination for another. All we can do is to choose our master.
I'm always writing at night - things I would change, things I would do differently. When I write a note, it sticks in my head differently.
I'm the same guy I've always been. I'm the same guy now as when I was hitting 50 home runs. I don't change.
Sometimes I've felt that the industry has typecast me as a certain kind of character. But then I think all it really takes is one role, the right role, to shake that up and change that perception.
Forget about the consequences of failure. Failure is only a temporary change in direction to set you straight for your next success.
The environment doesn't change that radically. You are still going to go home at night and NBC is going to be there, ABC and CBS will still be there.
I think that the change began... I made a film a few years ago called The Spitfire Grill, and that didn't make much money either, but it was a good film and an independent film.
And I agreed with that, and I couldn't wait to change my name anyway, because I'm not too fond of the name of Reginald. It's a very kind of '50s English name.
My feeling about seeing the world is that it's going to change you necessarily, just the very fact of being out there and meeting people from different cultures and different ways of life.
Writing music on your own makes you think a lot about your life. Who are you? Would you change anything about yourself? This is where it comes from.
I'm not sure I am a politician. I would say that I am still an artist, and I'm trying to use politics as an instrument for change.
Comedy's my first love. I love that so much. You play comedy in drama, too. The difference between genres doesn't really change the method of acting.
That man is a creature who needs order yet yearns for change is the creative contradiction at the heart of the laws which structure his conformity and define his deviancy.
It is kind of tedious after a while, to parse politicians doing the same thing over and over again. The facts change from week to week, but the sort of masquerade doesn't.