Franklin Roosevelt was a great leader. He saw how to use the levers of power to affect change.
So here's the question: Without a change in leadership, why would the next four years be any different from the last four years?
Ultimately, you change the culture in Washington only one way, and it's one election at a time, with the character of the people you send.
I never put down a bad script and I never walk out of a bad movie because I'm always hopeful things will change.
There are three critical ingredients to democratic renewal and progressive change in America: good public policy, grassroots organizing and electoral politics.
We all know that change is inevitable. It provides us with a challenge and an opportunity to grow and improve and to attract new members with new ideas.
If I had to do my life over, I would change every single thing I have done.
I think a fundamentalist is somebody who believes something unshakably and isn't going to change their mind.
Most of the change we think we see in life is due to truths being in and out of favor.
The accent in England can change literally from street to street, and people have this sort of feudal tribalism whereby you can identify somebody's provenance by their voice.
Many players want to make as much money as they can and change teams for ten grand. How is that going to make much difference to their lives?
It is always more fun to play a bad guy than to be yourself as you can create a character unlike your own and be someone you are not for a change.
I think after the 2008 Olympics I wasn't really satisfied with the outcome, so I knew I had to change some things.
I'm a catalyst for change. You can't be an outsider and be successful over 30 years without leaving a certain amount of scar tissue around the place.
I can't on my own change the regime in South Africa or teach the Palestinians to learn to live with the Israelies, but I can start with me.
An apology might help, but you can change your life without one.
The Roman Catholic Church isn't going to change its theologies.
If I can give a very substantial injection of humanistic thinking into corporations, boy, that would change things a lot.
Workers organized and fought for worker rights and food safety, Social Security and Medicare - they fought to change government. And they won.
It becomes more necessary to see the truth as it is if you realize that the only vehicle for change are these people who have lost their personality.
Social change doesn't happen in the Arab region through dramatic confrontation, beating, or indeed, baring of breasts, but rather through negotiation.