poetry melts my bones. enters my blood. and changes its composition.
Never run from the truth. It is always there; it never changes – save your energy.
Don't be afraid. Change is such a beautiful thing", said the Butterfly.
This has always bothered me. If "Change" is the only constant how can we have absolutes?
Once you find reasons to change, rest of the journey becomes easy.
People are afraid of changing; that they're losing something. They don't understand that they are also gaining something.
When you get to see the world, it changes you. You realise that there are all kinds of people out there.
Things do not grow better; they remain as they are. It is we who grow better, by the changes we make in ourselves.
I think there is a degree of speculation that is satisfied the climate is changing.
The state of the world, of course, is constantly changing, and so is theory.
The compassion of Christlike friends deeply touches and changes our lives.
The trick is remembering that change is as easy as you make it. The trick is remembering that you are the boss of you.
I've learnt that, even though I've travelled about, I haven't changed that much.
You have only one life! Take a chance, make a change, and live!
It’s amazing how dramatically life can change while your bedroom decor stays exactly the same.
It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.
The putting on of vestments and lighting candles, it's a wonderful ritual that never changes from one Mass to another.
The world is changing, and the Internet is about to become the next broadcast network.
What has changed is that people have stopped working together.
A thought which is created in a second can change the thousand years of the World!
The game never changes, you must be in the secret before you are shown to the public.