I think a very good system in a world with a lot of passive investors is one in which there are at least a few entrepreneurial investors, prepared to say what they think, prepared to propose a change in management, change in strategy, change in cost ...
Impossible is trying to change the entire world on your own. Possible is aiming to impressively change some things in it, which could then inspire others to rally up and start contributing some positive changes.
An algorithm must be seen to be believed.
The world goes on, you go on and you change. You want to show the fans those changes, and you want to be able to verbalize them.
I like changing the pace of my life, changing my discipline. It gives me ideas for how to see the world differently.
One choice changes everything. The right choice changes your world.
Technology has changed the way book publishing works, as it has changed everything else in the world of media.
There is a wave of gratefulness because people are becoming aware how important this is and how this can change our world. It can change our world in immensely important ways, because if you're grateful, you're not fearful, and if you're not fearful,...
I don't think there are enough words in the world that exist to express exactly just how much I love my son! He's right there in the front of my soul, he can turn me into an eagle, a lioness, a tigress, a swan! A goof or a queen! There's no underesti...
Crazy people love their Kindles.
The world is inviolable: it has no beginning and no end. Those who seek to change it will be changed.
The world doesn't change in front of your eyes, it changes behind your back.
The past is the key to the present and an ice core is a door to that past.
In this world there is right and society's expectations, it is wise to do what is right society changes as culture changes.
You cannot change any world unless you become a vital part of the changing.
The world changed. Hollywood changed. I think we've lost something, and we don't know how to get it back.
If you look at all the serious scientists in the world, there is no big disagreement on the basics of this... it would be absolute lunacy to act as if climate change is not occurring.
I believe in entrepreneurs. I believe in their ability to make positive change in the world.
I would like to be remembered, if I am remembered at all, as being a catalyst for change in the world, change for good.
We accept the world in order to change it. If you do not accept, then what are you going to change?
I don't think children themselves have changed that much. It's the world that has changed.