To live is to have worries and uncertainties. Keep them inside, and they will destroy you for certain--leaving behind a person so callused that emotion can find no root in his heart.
But if it was always a point of speculation, where one person insisted it was a certain way and another denied it, how would anyone ever hold on to the truth?
We are all fools blessed with the knowledge that certain events will come to pass no matter what path we take to get there. The wise ones follow their angels while they may.
Seules mes pensées sentimentales existent quand je suis avec elle. C'est un peu nébuleux, et triste, comme si j'étais content, bien au chaud, mais avec une certaine envie de pleurer.
The measure of a man lies not in his lengthy accomplishments, but in his decisions when he is faced with the certain, indisputable knowledge that he is going to die.
The only thing that I am completely certain of after this experience is that I am no longer afraid of death.
How ironic, she thought, as she fell to her certain death, that at that moment she would have given anything to be a giant goose again.
In the progressive growth of astronomy, physics or mechanical science was developed, and when this had been, to a certain degree, successfully cultivated, it gave birth to the science of chemistry.
A deep wound inside him began to heal. And he suddenly knew that being separated from this woman would only bring him a certain sadness.
Everyone is a Wordsworth in certain moods, and every traveler seeks out places that every traveler has missed.
Certain voices heard are heard not because they are phonetic... But, from one soul they head, to another, in the form of magic. (Poem: When, When a not, Book: Ginger and Honey)
It was clear that the house was run on a certain system, of either great pomposity or great denial - it was too early for her to make up her mind about which one it was.
It is then he realises that certain things loom larger than forgiveness and reconciliation: memory, for one, and history, bloody history.
I was caged by him like a bird with clipped wings. I could flutter but I couldn’t escape though I’m not certain I’d want to even if I could.
There is a certain right by which we many deprive a man of life, but none by which we may deprive him of death; this is mere cruelty.
A blanket is a tell-all story about its endeavors with certain highly publicized people and their somewhat promiscuous acts.
It's best not to get settled on things being a certain way, I realized. Life had a funny way if interrupting your plans.
The eyes were large and gray and in a certain light looked soft, gentle, and even innocent. Then the light would change, the innocence would vanish, and the eyes looked like year-old ice.
The eyes were larger and gray and in a certain light looked soft, gentle, and even innocent. Then the light would change, the innocence would vanish, and the eyes looked like year-old ice.
I was certain t find the familiar sting of salt, but what I needed to know was what kind: kitchen, sweat, tears or the sea.
I've spent enough time in the business community to know there are certain regulators who are very constructive in their approach - those who enforce the laws and who actually want to help you comply - and there are others who have a prosecutorial at...