In many ways the rise of the state was the descent of the world from freedom to slavery
Cannibals and Kings: Origins of CulturesYour goodness must have some edge to it -- else it is none.
Culture, Behavior, Beauty, Books, Art, Eloquence, Power, Wealth, IllusionsI really do think with my pen, because my head often knows nothing about what my hand is writing.
Culture and ValueGift giving is part of the culture no matter where you are and no matter how long you stay.
Doing Business with Japanese Men: A Woman's HandbookWe cannot hope to create a sustainable culture with any but sustainable souls.
Endgame, Vol. 1: The Problem of CivilizationCultures reflect the interactions of mixed populations.
The Fall of the Roman Empire: A New History of Rome and the BarbariansA person who wields power cannot see truth; that is the privilege of the powerless.
Foolishness to the Greeks: The Gospel and Western Culture