Weddings are important because they celebrate life and possibility.
Celebrity is a gift. I'm very lucky.
Singing is like a celebration of oxygen.
Celebrity watching and speculation is almost like a sport.
I love it when celebrities fall apart.
Winter is not a season, it's a celebration.
It's celebrated in British culture to be eccentric.
We celebrities are desperate pigs.
Well, Jon Hamm isn't a real celebrity.
The mouthier I got, the more I'd be celebrated.
Celebrate your life, this is your only life.
I'm rather uncomfortable with celebrity, to be honest.
It's hard to find normal celebrities.
Celebrity was fun, and I had a good time.
Just celebrate the life you had, not the life you could've had.
Celebrity is something I've never been into, and never will be.
In my household there is an insane amount of laughter and celebration.
It is time to embrace and celebrate ketchup, not be ashamed of it.
I hate celebrities. I really hate them.
I embrace the imperfections and celebrate them.
It's an immense amount of pressure, celebrity itself.