Indeed, there is nothing on this earth more peaceful than a sleeping, purring cat.
Mighty Little Man: My Story, His Story, Our StoryMy dreams are shaped like a cat, only furrier. And my love resembles a dolphin, only fishier.
My love can only occupy one person at a timeMy love is a six-toed mutant, like a Hemingway cat. Pet it wisely.
My love can only occupy one person at a timeYou know a real friend? Someone you know will look after your cat after you are gone.
Last Words: The Final JournalsThe only thing cats love more than food is sleep. We have that in common.
Love quotes for the ages. And the ageless sages.My cat’s favorite chew toy is a pen. I’d wager that he is a better writer than me.
This is the best book I've ever written, and it still sucksIt’s not fun to pet cats when you’ve already poured gravy on them, and you’re holding silverware.
This is the best book I've ever written, and it still sucks