Observation is at its core an expression of love which doesn’t get caught up in sentiment.
The Guest CatA brick could be used as a pettable non-furry and non-meowing cat.
Brick and Blanket Test in Brick City (Ocala) FloridaHe is a man who kicks at cats, said Solembum, as if that summed up Tenga’s entire character.
BrisingrOrganizing gods is like herding cats into straight lines. They don't take naturally to it.
American GodsIf we followed our feelings all the time, we'd be like cats chasin' their tails.
To Kill a MockingbirdMy love sits on the stove like a cat with an oven mitt for an ass.
Love quotes for the ages. And the ageless sages.You can call me Dances With Cats. I’m like Dances With Wolves, only meowier.
Sleepwalking is resterciseCats are portable calm distributors. They’re like vending machines distributing peace for free.
Sleepwalking is resterciseI was drawn to his aloofness, the way cats gravitate toward people who’d rather avoid them.