My feeling is that if all Catholics or Reformed Christians had been deported to Germany, the Dutch government in London would have instructed the population in the occupied Netherlands to help them.
Isaac Davis: I think people should mate for life, like pigeons or Catholics.
Hey, I'm a Catholic deer hunter, I am happy to be clinging to my guns and my religion.
It is immoral to brand children with religion. 'This is a Catholic child.' 'That is a Muslim child.' I want everyone to flinch when they hear such a phrase, just as they would if they heard, 'That is a Marxist child.'
I have my own religion. I'm sort of one-quarter Baptist, one-quarter Catholic, one-quarter Jewish.
My interest in film is sort of catholic - apart from science fiction and horror movies, I'll watch almost everything.
It was Francisco de Vitoria, a Catholic priest and professor, who earned the title of father of international law.
The Church makes no man less free than he was before. But we chiefly value freedom in order to give it away; every man who loves surrenders his freedom, whether his passion be the love of a woman, the love of a cause, or the love of God. . . Hence: "...
I went to an all-girls school for part of high school, and the idea of boys was amazing to me; like, all I ever wanted to do was kiss boys and be around boys.
I went to art high school and thought I'd be a painter. Unfortunately I didn't finish high school, but that's always been part of my work.
My sister is an artist and an interior designer. She went to high school for art. I went to high school for music.
I coach a high school wrestling team and a middle school team. I consider myself a coach and an activist, so I'm really involved in the community.
I acted in junior high in the junior high school group, and then when I got into senior high I was, you know, the main actor of the senior high school.
I didn't cheer in high school. I was the farthest thing from a cheerleader in high school. We made fun of cheerleaders. Everybody did!
I really wasn't heavy in high school. But no one feels right in their own skin, particularly in high school.
I was in theater when I was in elementary, middle school and high school. I didn't know it would be an actual profession for me. I didn't think of it as a reality.
My entire high school career - my entire school career - I've been like three feet taller than everyone in my grade.
I was born in San Antonio, TX, but moved to Lakewood, CO in elementary school. Then, I moved to Valley Center, CA in high school.
They changed the floor back to old school. They changed the uniform back to old school. Somebody tell the damn players to start playing like old school.
I loved school, maybe too much, really. I was summa cum laude in high school. I was driven that way.
I went to James Monroe High School, a big school in the East Bronx. My first promotion was the first alumni reunion dance. I got all the names and addresses out of the yearbook. It came off very well.