The devil catches most souls in a golden net.
When the sky falls we'll all catch larks.
Sleepy turtles never catch up with the sunrise.
Use your enemy's hand to catch a snake.
A net will catch more than a pole.
The early bird catches the early worm.
When we care, we share.
Discipline has enemies, and one of them is you.
It's not just the wounded who suffer.
Pursue what catches your heart rather than what catches your eye.
Pursue what catches your heart rather than what catches your eyes.
Frances Stevens: The cat has a new kitten.
The fox will catch you with cunning, and the wolf with courage.
If you catch a man, throw him back!
The afterthought is good for nought, except it be to catch blind horses with.
Catch the bird before you build a cage.
To catch rats the cats take off their gloves.
Who hunts two hares will catch neither.
Laws catch flies, but let hornets go free.
Marketing is about spreading the love.
Catch, then, O catch the transient hour; Improve each moment as it flies!