I saw Jesus walk into my bedroom.
It certainly made a film writing career for me.
I'm a regular at a hospital in Pennsylvania. The Riddle Hospital in Media, Pennsylvania.
I was the class clown type of guy.
There's no set-in-stone way to be a vampire, especially with the evil ones.
There's something about my Mexican-American heritage... I'm proud of it.
I made the character as much of myself as I could.
I used to be a street singer in San Francisco.
I bartended for a catering company for two or three years.
When I first started out, I was a bad actor.
I don't really have any strategy for my career.
I felt like my career was out of my hands.
I come from a very working-class background.
Thrillers are an enormous amount of fun for filmmakers.
Immigration is the sincerest form of flattery.
I've had the same friends for ten, fifteen years.
I'm a poet first and foremost, before the modelling.
Everybody has to be a little lucky, I think.
It's always a pleasure to find something that matters.
Who's more important than Diana Ross?
I appear wild on the outside, but I'm a conservative businessman.