It is a sin to believe evil of others but it is seldom a mistake.
I do mixed martial arts, mainly kickboxing.
I don't think I'm that intelligent. I think I'm semi-intelligent.
When you have children, that's your main focus.
We'd rather see a picture that we liked then dump on one we didn't.
I had kind of sworn off network TV a while ago.
I quite like Pilates now. I have a Pilates girl in every city.
I am happy with what I've done.
I condemn the national gay press for its emphasis on consumerism.
Make sure you have cheese in your house.
I really like singing, although I'm embarrassed about doing it.
I think I'm sort of locked into the sitcom genre.
You'll be tested every single day.
It's different hearing girls I don't even know scream my name.
I like to think I'm a bit smarter than I sometimes let on.
Because if I don't know my lines, I really don't know what I'm doing.
Sometimes it's hard to tell if a joke is working or not for the first couple of minutes.
Nobody really invents anything that hasn't been done before.
All I really wanted was to be a full-time disc jockey.
A movie is made for an audience and a film is made for both the audience and the film-makers.
I perform in the major leagues of what I do. It's incredible.