I have three boys, so I live in a household full of testosterone.
I'm very devoted to my kids - I'm completely blind to their faults.
I'm feeling incredibly Botox-tempted as my face collapses around my shoulders.
We have a product for sale called news, and I'm a salesman.
I was a very religious kid. I was raised as an Episcopalian.
In high school, I played in a Rush cover band.
As a close-up magician, I was using gambling cheating techniques.
I went to a school run by Catholic nuns. They were really strict.
The players are under so much duress, it's like duressic park out there!
Under that heart of stone beat muscles of pure flint.
Because the show is popular, people do recognize us on the streets.
I have a need to do something and know I can be successful.
Around mid-life everyone goes maniac a little bit.
I studied and performed and even taught mime years ago.
When I was 17, I was excited to graduate from high school!
Cary and I are working together on another movie, Charlotte's Web.
Studies have shown people listen to TV than watch it.
I'm awful with directions, and I'm not very handy around the house.
My parents are opposites who balance each other out.
When I was younger I wanted to be a gymnast, but they have to be quite short - I was tall.
I still get weirded out when people recognise me.