I have a job that requires me to be in the public eye in the way that makes me extra careful about sharing information.
Why wouldn't - how couldn't - an author care about how his or her books look?
I don't much care who is gay or straight or married or not. I mostly notice if they are brave enough to confront bigotry.
If only Tammy knew how much I really cared about her. She has nothing to do with any of this mess.
I am not dead inside. I still care about right and wrong.
I live in a village where people still care about each other, largely.
Archaeology is the peeping Tom of the sciences. It is the sandbox of men who care not where they are going; they merely want to know where everyone else has been.
It is a clear truth that those who every day barter away other men's liberty will soon care little for their own.
The U.S. government has been preoccupied with health care 'reform,' but this refers to improving access and insurance coverage and has little or nothing to do with innovation.
Use your imagination, and you'll see that even the most narrow, humdrum lives are infinite in scope if you examine them with enough care.
I didn't love Jim Morrison. There was something very reptilian about him. And I didn't care for his singing, but his band! The Doors were fantastic.
Those who are trying to remain healthy with HIV/AIDS are in the most vulnerable period of their lives; that's no time to leave them without access to care.
In all animation, if it's done quickly, you'll know it. And if you're very slow and careful with it, it's going to look a little more beautiful. It's just compressing time into seconds.
Some of the folks on both sides might be sincere, but it does seem as if it is only the opposition that cares about the Bill of Rights most of the time.
I grew up in a house where language was appreciated and cared about. I'm sure that, although I wasn't aware of it at the time, it must have made an impression on me.
Children, in a way, are constant learners. Certainly sponge-like. Absorbing everything without careful analysis, even though, at the same time, they are certainly capable of incredible insights.
You need to take care of your time and practice, you need to rest and talk to media. So it's really important to organize those things.
Truth is the most bitter to accept, swallow and digest it. The moment you speak truth, you lose your popularity. But I don't care.
The truth is that health-care reform will always be a nuisance, with version 2.0 followed by next year's 2.1. As long as it boosts productivity, it's worth it.
Malik El Djebena: Want to know how I feel? César Luciani: I couldn't care less.
H.I.: Prison life is structured - more'n some people care for.