key of success. believe yourself less do more God. spend less yourself do more others. be happy less yourself do make everyone happy. care less yourself care more others. Think less yourself think more others. Live less Yourself live for others. Fear...
Respirația mi se pare schimbul cel mai important pe care-l facem cu Lumea. Cum adică? Trag aer în piept. Aer care e plin de respirațiile tuturor animalelor, tuturor plantelor. De respirațiile părinților, bunicilor, străinilor, cunoscuților.....
In Africa... age is not important over there. They don't care.
I really do not care if it is a B-movie or not.
Care and diligence bring luck.
Thernos 1.0 is an external point-of-care BlackBerry.
With women, there's a basic female instinct of caring deeply about the way they look; women stars have a narcissist complex.
You have to be very careful with women friends.
I couldn't care less about business.
I take really good care of my body.
Cast your cares on God; that anchor holds.
It is God's planet - and he's taking care of it. And I don't believe that anything we do will raise or lower the temperature one point.
I don't care about the past.
I don't care if I starve.
I don't care about revenues.
We're careful not to saturate people.
I do not care for the money, just for the glory.
I don't care about movies. I tend to play badminton once a week.
I don't care about the critics.
How much to make her go to her room and stop talking to me?” Cal asked. While I gaped at his rudeness, Gigi coughed a rather obvious “douchebag!” into her fist. I caught her eye and shook my head emphatically. Douche-coughing someone with super...
Eleanore," he whispered again, tilting his head to mine, his lips skimming past my cheek, his breath in my ear. "I'd wait forever for you, you know. If it mattered. If you'd care." "I do care," I whispered back, miserable. His fingers tightened, warm...