Captain of Louisa: By the authority vested in me by Kaiser William II, I pronounce you man and wife - Proceed with the execution.
Steve Rogers: You think you can hold them off? Clint Barton: Captain, it would be my genuine pleasure.
Tony Stark: [to Captain America] In a few hours I'll know every dirty secret S.H.I.E.L.D. has been trying to hide. Blueberry?
Steele: What's this Sargn't? Another taxpayer-funded Delta safari? Sanderson: Not if General Garrison's askin'. Steele: No, I'm askin'. Sanderson: Have a nice meal, captain.
SSgt. Eddie Dohun: Where's the captain? Soldier: Dead. SSgt. Eddie Dohun: Didn't ask you how he was. I asked you where he was.
Don't allow others to put a cap on you. Don't simply agree when someone draws your own finishing line. You're the captain of your destiny!!!
Captains who fish for compliments are limited to shallow shores. You'll catch big fish in deep waters by opening more doors than you close!~
[Will Turner] "You didn't beat me. You ignored the rules of engagement." [Captain Jack Sparrow] "...that's not much incentive for me to fight fair then is it?
I haven't yet figured out how I was made first captain, because I was not an outstanding student. I was an adequate student.
There was a period after my first solo album came out that about 50 per cent of my work was with symphonies and big bands. We did the Captain and Tennille as well, but it ended up being about 50-50.
In any age, there is no shortage of people willing to embark on a hazardous adventure. Columbus and Magellan filled eight ships between them for voyages into the void. One hundred and fifty years ago, the possibilities offered by missionary service w...
Silence. Montag sat like a carved white stone. The echo of the final hammer on his skull died slowly away into the black cavern where Faber waited for the echoes to subside. And then when the startled dust had settled down about Montag's mind, Faber ...
As the wildly favorable word of mouth spread, however, the box office receipts began to soar. First, fans of musicals came. Then the ever-growing cadre of Julie Andrews devotees. Finally, those longing for a happy ending—anywhere—began to turn ou...
Her face crumpled and he felt her pain as if it was his own. He wanted to take it back, but just like that memory, it was always going to be there. She worked to get control over her features, then said, “I’m sorry I didn’t defend you. I’m so...
Her face crumpled and he felt her pain as if it were his own. He wanted to take it back, but just like that memory, it was always going to be there. She worked to get control over her features, then said, “I’m sorry I didn’t defend you. I’m s...
C-3PO: At last, Master Luke's come to rescue me! Bib Fortuna: Master. [Jabba wakes up with a start] Bib Fortuna: May I present Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight? Jabba the Hutt: I told you not to admit him! Luke: I must be allowed to speak. Bib Fortuna: He...
Christopher Pike: Mr. Spock, I'm leaving you in command of the Enterprise. Once we have transport capability and communications back up, you'll contact Starfleet and report what the hell's going on here. And if all else fails, fall back, rendezvous w...
Did you know that childhood is the only time in our lives when insanity is not only permitted to us, but expected?
Captain?" "Yeah?" "Do you think it was destiny that brought us together?" He squinted and, after a thoughtful moment, shook his head. "No. I'm pretty sure it was Cinder.
The Captain, so close as he was, didn’t warrant their attention. Even a fly on a horse’s hindquarters gets a tail whip. And that is the thick of it. We are less than flies to these foul foes.
A hundred brilliant witticisms died suffocating on the captain's heavy glove. Thus muted, I pumped my codpiece at the duke and tried to force a fart, but my bum tumpet could find no note.