Heinrich: Noooo! Second contact closing fast, bearing 076! Captain: Damn them! Another one!
Das BootUnion Captain at the Bridge: [swinging a bottle of booze] The most potent weapon of war!
The Good, the Bad and the UglyCaptain Dudley Smith: Wendell - I'd like full and docile co-operation on every topic.
L.A. ConfidentialThe Gyro Captain: They've got you wrong. You're not a coward. STUPID, maybe. But not a coward.
Mad Max 2: The Road WarriorJoseph Nagle, Carpenter's Mate: Captain's not called Lucky Jack for no reason.
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the WorldRoy Lee: I'll tell you what's unbelievable... captain of the football team being jealous of you.
October SkyCaptain Jean-Luc Picard: Reports of my assimilation have been greatly exaggerated.
Star Trek: First Contact