Bill Phillips was this nervous, chain-smoking student. He had signed up to be an engineer, he had gone away to fight in the Second World War, he had come back. He had switched to sociology because he wanted to understand how people could do these ter...
May, tahu surat Rasul Paulus kan? 1 Korintus 13. Pada akhirnya adalah tiga hal ini: iman, pengharapan, dan kasih; dan yang paling besar di antaranya adalah kasih. Berbuat kasih itu lebih besar daripada iman sekalipun. Kok bisa menyiar jadi segala-gal...
I don't believe for a minute that the proof of God's existence is achieved. My faith prohibits me from believing that the proof of God's existence can ever be adduced. My God is not an object for verification, He is a subject for love. My faith is no...
A eureka moment. It suddenly struck Mintz as so obvious. The executives entrusted with reviewing all of the LJM transactions- Causey, Buy, the board- approached their duties casually, giving everything just the onceover. They seemed to figure that so...
The state of North Carolina, Daisy, and John Wayne walked into a bar, and I shouted, “Duke!” and the bartender threw me out, because he was a Chapel Hill fan, and I was drunk.
The requirement to obey and acknowledge God and Jesus Christ has caused the teachings of the Christian tradition to stray from morality to idol worship, creating a world in which a murderer can be forgiven and sent to heaven, whereas a loving and car...
Being present, whether with children, with friends, or even with oneself, is hard work. But isn't this attentiveness -- the feeling that someone is trying to think about us -- something we want more than praise?
The chambermaid believed in courtly love. A book's physical self was sacrosanct to her, its form inseparable from its content; her duty as a lover was Platonic adoration, a noble but doomed attempt to conserve forever the state of perfect chastity in...
-believed in carnal love. To us, a book's words were holy, but the paper, cloth, cardboard, glue, thread, and ink that contained them were a mere vessel, and it was no sacrilege to treat them as wantonly as desire and pragmatism dictated. Hard use wa...
I like dogs Big dogs Little dogs Fat dogs Doggy dogs Old dogs Puppy dogs I like dogs A dog that is barking over the hill A dog that is dreaming very still A dog that is running wherever he will I like dogs.
People can not be separated from their environment. Living consciousness is not an isolated unit. Human consciousness is increasing the order of the rest of the world and has an incredible power to heal ourselves and the world: in a certain sense we ...
So many important New York musicians were gay, one wit dubbed the American Composers League the Homintern.
Our happiness is completely and utterly intertwined with other people: family and friends and neighbors and the woman you hardly notice who cleans your office. Happiness is not a noun or verb. It's a conjunction. Connective tissue.
In early 1970, Newsweek's editors decided that the new women's liberation movement deserved a cover story. There was one problem, however: there were no women to write the piece.
As I railed on and on, I became increasingly energied and excited by my own misery and misanthropy until I reached a kind of orgasm of negativity.'... The Brits don't merely enjoy misery, they get off on it.
In employing the long sentence the inexperienced writer should not strain after the heavy, ponderous type. Johnson and used such a type, but remember, an ordinary mortal cannot wield the sledge hammer of a giant. Johnson and were intellectual giants ...
It's old, very old I think. Made up long ago in our hills. What my music teacher calls a mountain air. But the words are easy and soothing, promising tomorrow will be more hopeful than this awful piece of time we call today.
And when you are being kissed like this, you are Christmas Day; you are the moon shot; you are field larks. My shoes were suddenly worth a million pounds, and my breath was the ethyl in champagne. When someone kisses you like this, you are the point ...
Sukarno adalah seorang individualis. Manusia yang angkuh dengan ego yang membakar-bakar, yang mengaku bahwa ia mencintai dirinya sendiri, tidak mungkin menjadi pengikut pihak lain. Sukarno tidak mungkin tunduk pada dominasi kekuasaan lain manapun. Di...
Bisnis film adalah bisnis untuk mencari uang. Orang-orang yang berasal dari bagian selatan akan memboikot film ini, bila orang kulit putih dan gadis julit coklat akhirnya hidup bahagia dimasyarakat - Eric Johnson
Amerika Serikat tidak bisa memandang rendah seorang pemimpin hanya karena dia orang Asia. Dan apa yang menjadi sebab orang kecil ini tidak mau lagi percaya kepada Amerika? Tidakkah karena rakyatnya merasa dihantam oleh intraversi dan subversi CIA?