What we are only now beginning to fully realize is that in seeking material pleasure too constantly, the capacity for enjoyment or fulfillment decreases and eventually becomes exhausted.
And what greater might do we possess as human beings than our capacity to question and to learn?
But as you said, there are going to be those that have no record and cannot be detected in that capacity so that is why you have to have other layers of security.
Developed countries and advanced developing countries must open their markets for products from the developing world, and support in developing their export and import capacity.
This is not bad, but the pace of globalisation has surpassed the capacity of the system to adjust to new realities of a more interdependent and integrated world.
I'm afraid the workings of J.J. Abrams' mind falls outside the predictive capacity of any coherent theory.
For now, poetry has the capacity - in its own ways and by its own means - to remind us of something we are forbidden to see.
I would define the poetic effect as the capacity that a text displays for continuing to generate different readings, without ever being completely consumed.
This capacity to fold the completely weird into daily life, to make the aliens ourselves, is a quality I look for in a good, weird book.
Genius is play, and man's capacity for achieving genius is infinite, and many may achieve genius only through play.
We have the capacity to create a remarkably different economy: one that can restore ecosystems and protect the environment while bringing forth innovation, prosperity, meaningful work, and true security.
The new century has brought on its own terrible dangers, which although not reaching the apocalyptic potential of the Cold War, still have the capacity to shake our world.
During the last war when there was a market for everything that could be produced, the production capacity of Canada and the United States, which were outside the battle area, increased one hundred percent.
Normally street children are shown in terms of the tragedy of their lives - which is true - but there's also another dimension: their wisdom, dignity and enormous capacity for survival.
In Jump Time’s developing hybrid world, capacities once nurtured in separate societies are available to the entire family of humankind. This is a stupendous happening, as important as the discovery of new continents during the time of the great sea...
Recalibration of the mind means clearing our perceptions and recovering our capacity for pure observation.
There is a point when grief exceeds the human capacity to emote, and as a result one is strangely composed-
We all have the capacity to find the will to do what must be done - even when that which we must do terrifies us most. Remember this.
She had never done these things before; she did them expertly. She had a capacity for action, a competence that clashed incongruously with her appearance.
My capacity for happiness," he added, "you could fit into a matchbox without taking out the matches first
Intelligence alone does not get us where we need to go or even necessarily where we want to go. For that, the human creature must exercise harder-won capacities of wisdom, and wise action.