I try to be as normal as I can.
We do the best we can at the time we can.
If I can be a leader, I will.
I keep fit as much as I can.
I can gain 20 pounds in a heartbeat.
I can be a lady - surprise!
All I can say is, death is a part of life.
Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the number of apples in a seed.
I can swim I'm not bad, but not great.
The benefit of the radio is, something beyond your realm of knowledge can surprise you, can enter your realm of knowledge.
I can intellectualize myself out of anything.
I'm constantly trying to be as original as I can.
I can be prickly and difficult on set.
Maybe something can be saved, something can be done.
You can do more, you can always do more.
I can recite poetry, but I cannot write it.
At least I can say that I'm honest.
I can be a cruel person.
There's no way you can get the past right. You can pretend. You can delude yourself, but you can't re-create what's over.
I’m not perfect. And I don’t have to be. I can figure it out as I go, and as long as I do the best I can, it’s okay if I still screw up.
The man who can keep order can rule the world, but the man who can bear disorder is truly free.