Don't poison someone whom you can kill with sweets.
You can never enter the same river twice.
Go early to market and as late as you can to battle.
He who cannot sleep can still dream.
A little axe can cut down a big tree.
You can say anything to a man with a full stomach.
One can stand still in a flowing stream, but not in a world of men.
You can see heaven through the eye of the needle.
Your son can be a prince, your daughter will be a mother.
Who loses honor can lose nothing else.
The deep sea can be fathomed, but who knows the hearts of men?
Old canoes can be restored, but youth and beauty cannot.
Out of a devil's egg there can only come a devil.
A hammer will shatter glass yet it can forge steel.
The wolf can always be hired very cheap as a shepherd.
There is more light than can be seen through the window.
It is sad when the elephant dies, but the whole tribe can feed on it.
What nectar can be drunk with the ears? Good advice.
A healthy ear can stand hearing sick words.
Idiots can sometimes give good advice.
You can judge what you make by what others make.