In some cases abusive or damaged relationships cannot and should not be saved.
And my worst pains are words I cannot say
The heart of mine is only one, it cannot be known by anybody but myself.
Those who do not think bout the future cannot have one.
We are forever changed by the moments that we live but the moments we live cannot be changed.
Even the moon cannot escape your intoxicating charms...
Courage cannot be gifted to you, but it is a choice you make.
Without a revolutionary theory there cannot be a revolutionary movement.
The world embarrasses me, and I cannot dream that this watch exists and has no watchmaker.
The breaking of a wave cannot explain the whole sea.
Nevertheless You are Yourself, you cannot win the World
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
Conflict cannot survive without your participation.
The heart of standing is you cannot fly.
If you put yourself in a group of people you cannot work with it's obviously going to be a disaster.
I have to give the SNL crew props - it cannot have been easy to work with me.
It is a very honest world, our work. I think you cannot fake anything.
Obamacare can't work, folks. It just cannot.
The world cannot evolve if girls refuse to become women.
You cannot be politically correct in a war.
I'd believed mine was the greatest of all the arts, the noblest of all the lies, the creation of hope. I thought hope could overcome everything, but I was wrong. Hope cannot overcome truth. Hope and truth cannot co-exist. Truth destroys hope. The mos...