If you cannot attract a woman, you are, by definition, sterile.
You cannot deal with a city if it's not socially integrated.
You must do the things you think you cannot.
Suffering needs time. It cannot survive in the now.
Souls cannot be saved without exertion.
I cannot abide being bored.
There is no subject so old that something new cannot be said about it.
The mind cannot long play the heart's role.
It is often wise to reveal that which cannot be concealed for long.
People generally quarrel because they cannot argue.
There is no problem so big it cannot be run away from.
I cannot be so bad when everybody is so fond of me.
A whetstone, though it cannot cut, may sharpen a knife that will.
You have to focus on the process. You cannot be glued to the results.
You cannot isolate yourself from the crowd - even if you want to.
Drinking spirits cannot cause spiritual damage.
you cannot find happiness, outside the plan of happiness!
For darkness restores what light cannot repair.
Assassinate me you may; intimidate me you cannot.
Auschwitz is a place in which tragedy cannot occur.
You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible!