Eggs cannot teach a hen.
Unspoken words cannot be noted.
If you cannot be chaste, be cautious.
Two crocodiles cannot agree.
Dirty water cannot be washed.
A rotten egg cannot be spoiled.
A wicked book cannot repent.
Cotton cannot play with fire.
We cannot wish for that we know not.
There is no person that love cannot heal; there is no soul that love cannot save.
We've learned from this that death can hurt us. It can surprise us. It can scare us. It can keep us up a night. But we've also learned the things that death cannot do. It cannot crush our hopes. It cannot take away the love and support of our family ...
Blood cannot be washed out with blood.
Goats cannot live in a herd of leopards.
What you cannot avoid, welcome.
Who is narrow minded cannot be bighearted.
You cannot catch skunks with mice.
You cannot applaud with one hand.
It's a bad plan that cannot be changed.
You cannot serve God and the devil.
Happiness is not a horse, you cannot harness it.
The blind cannot see -- the proud will not.