I've found that many of the greatest ideas surface in bars because that's where many people cultivate inspiration.
Just because you don't announce your plan doesn't mean you don't have one.
One piece of advice that always stuck in my mind is that people should be respected and trusted as people, not because of their position or title.
Nevada has a world-class economy. It will only build a world-class culture with world-class research universities coupled with the Desert Research Institute.
I was always attracted to taking a novel position, but one grounded in the materials I'd been given, not made up out of whole cloth.
I think it's common sense to say that the longer away from a crime it gets prosecuted, the less deterrent effect there is.
I think every parent takes more pleasure in seeing their child succeed than seeing themselves succeed.
The ecclesiastical system of Rome, and particularly its leaders, for a thousand years and more thought that the earth is fixed and that everything else revolves about it.
I am neither accusing President Obama of having committed high crimes and misdemeanors nor advocating his impeachment.
It's one thing to earnestly try but fail to bring the two sides together. Though Democrats will deny it, that was the case with George W. Bush.
Obama hasn't been divisive just because his policies are so unpopular, though that's a large part of it.
Those who devote their lives to serving our country, children, and neighborhoods are giving back. They have answered the call to serve.
Concentrating wealth in the hands of the few and deregulating financial institutions and practices lead to speculative bubbles that eventually burst - and that brings the whole country down.
Thank you for the opportunity for the Democratic Party and progressives to reclaim the votes of the sane citizens of these United States.
I think blaming the president for high gas prices is like blaming Rudy Giuliani for 9/11.
Do we want in this nation to lose the backbone of manufacturing in this country? Do we want to be a nation that doesn't want to manufacture anything?
I certainly never thought I would run for office myself. If someone had suggested it, I would have laughed out loud.
I actually prepared Vice President Biden for his debate in the last election. I played Sarah Palin. It's a little tough debating a woman.
We are taking the steps necessary to be ready to send whatever assistance is requested of us, and we are preparing to receive citizens who seek refuge in our state.
Now I have known Sen. Bill Frist, the Majority Leader of the United States Senate, since he was born.
The Erdogan government's first major step outside of the U.S. alliance was during the Bush Administration, when it wouldn't let Washington use Turkey as a launching ground for U.S. troops entering Iraq in 2003.