Each time I see a split infinitive, an inconsistent tense structure or the unnecessary use of the passive voice, I blister.
The basic premise of the Constitution was a separation of powers and a system of checks and balances because man was perceived as a fallen creature and would always yearn for more power.
The whole basis of the Constitution was a restriction of power, and the whole basis of the federalist system was that there was not one sovereign centralized power from which all authority flows.
Given the daunting challenges that we face, it's important that president elect Obama is prepared to really take power and begin to rule day one.
There's always Tunisia. Amid the smoking ruins of the Middle East, there is that one encouraging success story.
When you try to communicate too many ideas, sometimes you wind up communicating nothing.
I believe Wall Street needs serious ongoing regulation.
There is also something called the Legislature. There is something called the press. There is something called people. These are all different players on the stage.
Jim, I'm not aware of any formal requests from the Senate Judiciary Committee for these kinds of documents.
What is a moderate interpretation of the text? Halfway between what it really means and what you'd like it to mean?
You could have 50 different states having 50 different regulations... until they were all litigated out.
What we've proven is that you can protect the environment, use it wisely and grow the economy and that there is no conflict between the two.
I think that what I'm doing is right. And election-year politics, which intensifies everything, is not going to drive me off that course.
I think Ralph Nader is the biggest liar in American politics when he said it didn't matter who was president.
I don't want to see the military falling. I want to see the military rising to dignified heights of professionalism and true patriotism.
You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it.
The logic of collective security is flawless, provided it can be made to work under the conditions prevailing on the international scene... The odds, however, are strongly against such a possibility.
I'm not going to let people who work in the United States Department of Justice have their characters be assailed without any basis.
Rent-control laws disproportionately benefit the non-poor because the elite pull strings, work the system and are better connected than the non-poor.
At the constitutional level where we work, 90 percent of any decision is emotional. The rational part of us supplies the reasons for supporting our predilections.
The fact that the church is convinced of not having the right to confer priestly ordination on women is now considered by some as irreconcilable with the European Constitution.