To threaten the institution is to threaten fair administration of justice and protection of liberty.
Shyness is inherently uncomfortable; introversion is not. The traits do overlap, though psychologists debate to what degree.
I prefer listening to talking, reading to socializing, and cozy chats to group settings.
Some introverts are perfectly comfortable with public speaking; I'm not one of them.
I agree totally with Metheny regarding the sound influencing the way you play.
The time has come to return integrity, performance and dignity to New York and make it the Empire State once again.
The Business of Our Firm is Business" -Donald W. Hudspeth from: "The Business of America is Business" -Calvin Coolidge
The most tragic paradox of our time is to be found in the failure of nation-states to recognize the imperatives of internationalism.
In the political context fair means somebody that will vote for the unions or for the business. It can't mean that in the judicial context or we're in real trouble.
I guess the worst moment I ever had in business was the fear that Southwest Airlines wouldn't get off the ground.
I've said this over the years publicly - this is not a lucrative business. My goal every year is to break even with the White Sox.
It is indeed an odd business that it has taken this Court nearly two centuries to 'discover' a constitutional mandate to have counsel at a preliminary hearing.
The courage of the Syrian protesters is remarkable, for they face prison, torture, or death every time they lift a banner.
To conclude: good journalism is one of the models of good conversation and communication in the wider social context.
But there will be no justice, there will be no government of the people, by the people, and for the people, as long as the government and its officials permit bribery in any form.
I learned running the government for the Presidency, which I always thought was difficult, is even more difficult than I thought.
Lower taxes, less government spending on domestic programs and fewer regulations mean a better economy for everybody.
Most people I know I think agree and even many theists agree with this. We don't want government involved.
One of the worst of errors would be the general admission of the proposition that a Government has no right to interfere for any purpose except for that of affording protection.
Beginning with the stimulus, Obama has repeatedly inserted the government into the free market for political reasons - and with disastrous results.
Every citizen has to figure out what kind of government he or she wants.