He still has the same way of calling to me, as if I'm still new to him, as if he has yet to get over me.
Jesus Followers are called to be reflectors of His character, servants of his grace, ambassadors of His message and magnifiers of His glory!” ~ © gfp '42
We went to - I guess it was a legitimate boiler room, and I sat in front of this guy who literally was on the phone with two people at once. They call it double fisting.
Our political and constitutional rights, so called, are but the natural and inherent rights of man, asserted, carried out, and secured by modes of human contrivance.
Rounder Records decided to call the album Move It On Over, much to my chagrin but they knew what they were doing. It took off and to this day I can't figure out why.
So-called defense now absorbs sixty per cent of the national budget, and about twelve per cent of the Gross National Product.
I see plainly how external images influence the image that I call my body: they transmit movement to it.
What we call 'morals' is simply blind obedience to words of command.
The man who gives me employment, which I must have or suffer, that man is my master, let me call him what I will.
Reason we call that faculty innate in us of discovering laws and applying them with thought.
Experts always know everything but the fine points. When I took my citizenship exams, no one there knew how the White House came to be called the White House.
You play a couple of shows, and these label guys come - and they leave halfway through a show. Then the phone calls just stop. And your heart is broken.
The big dramas that fascinate me are the quiet ones that happen behind closed doors in so-called ordinary families.
Wherever it is you make your home, there is always this other place, this other person, calling to you. Come to me. Come back.
My father grew up in Brooklyn, N.Y., with my grandparents. In Norwegian my name is pronounced 'Yoo' but my father used to call me 'Joe.'
Sometimes, I think if you get away from what you're called to do, it's more of a distraction.
Sometimes when you take strong stands, if you're not called to do it, you're dividing the audience you're trying to reach.
We complicate our faith and lives in many ways, but at the core, our purpose is simple: We are called to love.
Many a man is praised for his reserve and so-called shyness when he is simply too proud to risk making a fool of himself.
I'm in this new Showtime series called 'Ray Donovan.' I play this guy Stu Feldman who runs Paramount Pictures, so the total opposite to this character.
Life is full of disparate details arbitrarily joined together by dreams, pain and yearning. I do not long for sense, but I call for emotion and imagination amidst this chaos.