Calling holistic medicine "alternative medicine" is no longer appropriate. The best approach now is "integrated medicine" in which we take the best of both worlds.
There are systems called zero discharge emission systems that would prevent any pollution from making it into the water or the air.
Calling out people for not voting, what experts term 'public shaming,' can prod someone to cast a ballot.
I have two Iceland horses, a very hairy dog called Looney, and a guinea pig.
I just did a picture book called The Wildest Brother on Earth, and you will find both of my children in there.
I can weave words together and create magic,it's like knitting and crocheting words with pen and paper, some call it Poetry.
Travel empties out everything you’ve into the box called your life, all the things you accumulate to tell you who you are
Many will call me an adventurer - and that I am, only one of a different sort: one of those who risks his skin to prove his platitudes.
I don't like to fly. What's it called when the plane shakes? Turbulence, takeoffs... I grab my chair, close my eyes, count to 30, breathe, and pray.
Just like the devil is against God. I think the so called love is against success. Tryna slow people's lives.
As far as I'm concerned, the only difference between fact and what most people call fiction is about fifteen pages in the dictionary.
I lived in an all-black neighborhood, followed by an all-white one, and other kids in the always called me Mexican in both neighborhoods.
I did a movie called 'The Hole' with this kid Nathan Gamble, so when I'm old and wrinkly, he could play me. He's awesome.
The reason we call ships "she" is that it costs so much to keep one in paint and powder.
Republicans have called for a National African-American Museum. The plan is being held up by finding a location that isn't in their neighborhood.
My opponent called me a cream puff. Well, I rushed out and got the baker's union to endorse me.
Have I said dumb things? Absolutely, who hasn't? But I have never backed away from being called out on something I did or said wrong.
When the whistle blew and the call stretched thin across the night, one had to believe that any journey could be sweet to the soul.
TeleCaller's (cold calling) job is similar to sniper's, wait patiently for the Right Party Connect/Target and make no mistake.
Most of the people who call me a sellout were 7 when I was down face-first in the punk trenches.
I'm kind of old-fashioned, so I think the guy should always be the one to call. The girl just answers... Or doesn't answer.