I went to college for about a year in California.
California is full of Mexican culture and Mexican music.
But indeed a market like California is not good for Enron.
Move to California. Malibu is paradise.
The risks in antiques fraud are relative. Other criminals risk the absolute. You've never heard of a fraudster involved in a shoot-out, of the "Come and get me, copper!" sort. Or of some con artist needing helicopter gunships to bring him. No, we sub...
California is a great place to live if you're an orange.
I lead an introverted and boring life here in California.
I was born in Sherman Oaks, California.
California is a fine place to live - if you happen to be an orange.
I grew up in Oakland and Berkeley, California.
California is an unbelievable state.
Ma Joad: There, gramma! There's California. Grandma Joad: Phbbtt!
The studio scene in California is sort of ridiculous anyway.
I'm from California, and still live in LA.
In California, there is a strong tension between north and south.
We've tried to get as much supply into California as we can.
I love California. I love Hollywood.
I've lived in California for six years and I've never surfed.
California is always in my mind.
In an expansive attempt to establish a foothold among California's intelligentsia and create America's first truly national newspaper, The New York Times launched a slimmed-down West Coast edition in October 1962... The result in LA was a sorry steps...
Hans Gruber: Now, where is Mr. Takagi? Joseph Yoshinobu Takagi, born in Kyoto, Japan, 1937. Family immigrated to San Pedro , California, 1939. Interned Manzanar, 1942 to 43. Scholarship student University of California, 1955. Law degree, Stanford, 19...